Bending Tolerences

Rotary Draw, Roll and Increment Bending Tolerances

Standard shop tolerances for rotary draw, roll and increment bending procedures are available upon request.

Spiral Bending Tolerances

Tolerances for Cold Spiral Bending
Plain view radius of 12'0" or less.

True Arc LengthPlumb to Radius LineTorpedo Level Vertical FacePitch in DegreesHeight at MidpointHeight at Top
Under 10 ft+/- ¹/₂"Within 3° overall+/- 1°+/- ¹/₂"+/- ¹/₄"
10 ft - 17 ft+/- ³/₄"Within 3 ¹/₂° overall+/- 1°+/- 1"+/- ¹/₂"
17 ft - 24 ft+/- 1"Within 4° overall+/- 1 ¹/₂°+/- 1 ¹/₂"+/- 1"
Over 24 ft+/- 1"Within 5° overall+/- 1 ¹/₂°+/- 2"+/- 1"
*To properly QC, all stringers are stood up at full scale pitch.

Tolerances for Cold Spiral Bending
Plain view radius greater than 12'0"

True Arc LengthPlumb to Radius LineTorpedo Level Vertical FacePitch in DegreesHeight at MidpointHeight at Top
Under 10ftSee Note 1Within 3° overall+/- 1°n/an/a
10 ft - 17 ftSee Note 1Within 3 ¹/₂° overall+/- 1°n/an/a
17 ft - 24 ftSee Note 1Within 4° overall+/- 1 ¹/₂°n/an/a
Over 24 ftSee Note 1Within 5° overall+/- 1 ¹/₂°n/an/a
*To properly QC, all stringers are stood up at full scale pitch.

  1. Plumb to Radius line tolerance is Not Applicable. Instead, Albina will apply our standard shop cord and rise tolerances (available upon request).
  2. The level to vertical face is a cumulative tolerance. You cannot be more than half the allowed tolerance out at any one point.
    For example: If your tolerance is 11/2° for the vertical face, you can be 3/4° out at the bottom, 0° out at midpoint, and 3/4° out at the top. This would be 11/2° out total. You would not be allowed to be more than 3/4° out at any given point since that would be more than half your tolerance in one spot.

Tolerances for Hot Spiral Bending
Plain view radius of 20'0" or less.

True Arc LengthPlumb to Radius LineTorpedo Level Vertical FacePitch in DegreesHeight at MidpointHeight at Top
Under 10ft+/- ¹/₄"Within 1 ¹/₂° overall+/- ¹/₂°+/- ¹/₂"+/- ¹/₄"
10 ft - 17 ft+/- ¹/₂"Within 2° overall+/- ³/₄°+/- ³/₄"+/- ³/₈°"
17 ft - 24 ft+/- ³/₄"Within 2 ¹/₂° overall+/- 1°+/- 1"+/- ³/₄"
Over 24 ft+/- 1"Within 3° overall+/- 1 ¹/₂°+/- 1 ¹/₂"+/- 1"
*To properly QC, all stringers are stood up at full scale pitch.

Tolerances for Hot Spiral Bending
Plain view radius greater than 20'0"

True Arc LengthPlumb to Radius LineTorpedo Level Vertical FacePitch in DegreesHeight at MidpointHeight at Top
Under 10 ftSee note 1Within 1 ¹/₂° overall+/- ¹/₂°+/- ¹/₂"+/- ¹/₄"
10 ft - 17 ftSee note 1Within 2° overall+/- ³/₄°+/- ³/₄"+/- ³/₈"
17 ft - 24 ftSee note 1Within 2 ¹/₂° overall+/- 1°+/- 1"+/- ³/₄"
Over 24 ftSee note 1Within 3° overall+/- 1 ¹/₂°+/- 1 ¹/₂"+/- 1"
*To properly QC, all stringers are stood up at full scale pitch.

  1. Plumb to Radius line tolerance is Not Applicable. Instead, Albina will apply our standard shop cord and rise tolerances (available upon request).
  2. The level to vertical face is a cumulative tolerance. You cannot be more than half the allowed tolerance out at any one point.
    For example: If your tolerance is 11/2° for the vertical face, you can be 3/4° out at the bottom, 0° out at midpoint, and 3/4° out at the top. This would be 11/2° out total. You would not be allowed to be more than 3/4° out at any given point since that would be more than half your tolerance in one spot.